12 ZeroPoint foods you totally forgot about

Fun fact of the day: on the WW programme, there are 350+ ZeroPoint® foods that you don't have to weigh, measure or track . In other words, eating them won’t cost you a single Point®.
ZeroPoint foods were chosen because they help form the foundation of healthy eating patterns, and they're less likely to be overeaten than other foods (it’s easier to snack on six cookies than six apples!). Loading your plate with these ingredients isn’t just good for your body - it’s also great for weight loss.
How to use ZeroPoint foods
There’s no right or wrong way to dig into ZeroPoint foods, but these three ideas can help get you started:
- Build on them. Choose one ZeroPoint food as a base, then layer in extra flavour with other foods. For instance, you could start with skinless chicken breast (0 Points), add diced tomatoes (yup, zero) and top with half a light mozzarella ball (3 Points) and basil (another ZeroPoint food). Lots of yum, very few Points.
- Use them as a cushion. If you’re likely to run out of Points before the end of the day, turn to recipes made entirely of ZeroPoint ingredients to reach the finish line within Budget. It’s like a freebie fill-up! Try this Moroccan-style shepherd's pie or this curried butternut squash soup.
- Save up your Points. Going out for dinner tonight? You could focus on ZeroPoint foods at breakfast and lunch so that you have more Points to play with later on. Then, when you're sitting in front of the restaurant menu, you’ll have more flexibility to order exactly what you’re in the mood for.
Surprising ZeroPoint foods
You can probably guess what many of the ZeroPoint foods are: spinach, broccoli, apples, strawberries…yep, they’re all on the list. But some ZeroPoint foods may surprise you.
Read on to learn about some unexpected ZeroPoint foods on the the WW weight-loss programme as well as fun, tasty ways to use them.
And pineapple, watermelon, kiwi, papaya... Tropical fruit snacks and fruit salads are great for easy, on-the-go snacks. Just make sure you choose unsweetened fruit that isn't swimming in sugar syrup.
Butternut squash is super versatile and can be fashioned into 'boodles' - butternut squash noodles - or butternut squash chips. Give them a go using this boodles with harissa meatballs recipe.
Enjoy these energy-packed powerhouses as a snack on their own, cook them into delicious desserts like our banana bread (3P per serving) or top your pancakes with them like WW ambassador Alison Hammond.
Garnish your favourite nacho dish with these spicy chilli peppers - whether that's a nacho chicken pie or our slow cooker shredded chicken nachos - or add them to a bean and lentil chilli to get your taste buds tingling.
All eggs - whether scrambled, poached, or made into an omelette - are 0 Points. Eggs aren't just a breakfast food either: why not top this salmon kedgeree recipe with a soft boiled egg or scramble an egg into a pad Thai for a ZeroPoint texture and flavour booster?
Plain fat-free yogurt
Delicious on its own or as the perfect accompaniment to a bowl of fresh berries, this protein packed snack will satisfy your tummy and your taste buds.
It’s not just for vegetarians! This soy-based protein can be scrambled like eggs, tossed into a stir-fry and even baked. Try this herby scrambled tofu with griddled tomatoes.
For a quick snack at home or on the go, try these spicy roasted chickpeas. Just remember to dry the chickpeas really well for that super satisfying crunch.
Kidney beans
There's not much you can't do with kidney beans. Throw them into a chilli con carne, add them to a curry or toss them into a three-bean salad - perfect for packed lunches!
Ooh, la la! Caviar (in brine, drained) may be pricey, but it won’t cost you a single Point.