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Photo of Grilled tropical fruit kabobs by WW

Grilled tropical fruit kabobs

Total Time
19 min
12 min
7 min
Fast and easy — perfect for your Father's Day BBQ. Use any combination of tropical fruit such as red and yellow bananas, star fruit, mango, guava or pineapple. Use higher quality bamboo skewers to hold the heat better. Papayas and passion fruit are not recommended for kabobs because they won’t hold together well. Use a pastry brush to add the the mixture to the fruit. Substitute honey for the brown sugar if you prefer a milder flavor. To prepare for kids, who love anything served on a stick, you can substitute equal part apple juice or grape juice for the rum if you like.


Packed brown sugar

¼ cup(s), dark-variety

Unsalted butter

2 Tbsp

Fresh ginger

1 tsp, finely chopped (or more to taste)


1 fl oz, dark-variety


½ medium, cut into large chunks


2 large, cut into large cubes


2 large, cut into large pieces


  1. Preheat grill to medium-high or heat a grill pan over high heat.
  2. Combine sugar, butter, ginger and rum in a small saucepan. Heat over low heat until well-combined, about 2 to 3 minutes; set aside.
  3. Thread fruit onto 8 ten-inch or 16 six-inch metal or wooden skewers (make sure to soak wooden skewers in water for about 20 minutes to prevent charring); brush with sugar mixture.
  4. Place kabobs on grill or grill pan; cook until grill marks show on bottom side of fruit, about 1 to 2 minutes. Turn kabobs; grill until marks appear on other side, about 1 to 2 minutes more. Serve hot, room temperature or chilled. Yields 1 large or 2 small kabobs per serving.