SmartPoints make healthy eating simpler

We have a new program! Learn how PersonalPoints™ can help you drop the pounds you want while eating what you love and living your life fully. Learn more
Daily SmartPoints +
(bonus) weekly SmartPoints =
your SmartPoints Budget
SmartPoints® values are numbers we assign to foods to help make deciding what to eat simpler. We take complex nutrition and distill it down to one easy to understand number: the SmartPoints value.
1. How do calories relate to SmartPoints?
Every food and drink has a SmartPoints value. Calories give it the baseline; saturated fat and sugar drive the SmartPoints value up, while protein drives it down. The reason for this is that numerous studies have confirmed the benefits of eating less sugar and saturated fat, and more protein—not just for weight loss, but all sorts of other healthy reasons.
RELATED: Tracking vs. calorie counting
2. High SmartPoints doesn’t mean a food is “bad.” (Because no food is bad!)
It just means that we need to balance it with lower-SmartPoints foods.
3. How many SmartPoints do I get?
On myWW+, you'll get personalized amount of Daily SmartPoints, plus some extra Weekly SmartPoints for those days when you need a cushion. (Hey, you're human.) That’s your personalised SmartPoints Budget. It's based on your age, height, weight, and sex to ensure that you reach your weight-loss goals.
4. How do I find SmartPoints?
It's simple!
And here's how to track in the app.
5. Can I save SmartPoints that I don't use?
Yes, you can! Up to 4 daily SmartPoints you don't use will automatically roll over into your bank of weekly SmartPoints. (We call these "rollovers." Easy to remember!)
You'll keep track of your SmartPoints as you use them—the fastest and easiest way is with the WeightWatchers® app.
RELATED: What are rollovers?
6. How do weekly SmartPoints work?
Your weekly SmartPoints are there for you when you need them, like a parachute or a really awesome dog. You can use them bit by bit, all at once, or not at all. It’s totally up to you. But you can’t carry them over to the next week, so use them or lose them!
7. What are ZeroPoint foods?
They are a large amount of foods that you don't have to track or measure!
Every plan has a balance of SmartPoints and ZeroPoint foods, to match with different styles of eating. ZeroPoint foods are foods that were specifically chosen by our Nutrition team because they form the foundation of a healthy pattern of eating. (Find out more about ZeroPoint foods here.) The plans with the largest SmartPoints Budget has the fewest ZeroPoint foods, and the plan with the smallest SmartPoints Budget has the most ZeroPoint foods. It's all about keeping things flexible and livable.