Evidence Base | WW UK

Evidence Base

Effective health solutions


Since 2005, WW has working partnership with hundreds of health organisations, integrating a range of local referral and recruitment methods, including health professional referral and self-referral. This partnership model has been proven to be a cost effective, safe, scalable and sustainable solution that delivers medically significant weight loss, through local community based WW Workshops and / or digital programmes. Compliant with data governance and NICE and SIGN best practice guidance, WW offers a simple to integrate, ready to implement solution.

The unrivalled strength and reach of the WW brand, coupled with a strong evidence base that solutions work across a range of demographics, gives a unique advantage in helping health organisations to reduce inequalities by enabling them to better attract and treat their hard-to-reach and lower socio-economic groups.

Why choose WW


Independent research1 showed that WW outscored all major commercial and NHS providers on all five tests for patient outcomes:


*p<0.05, **p</=0.001. All data analysed as intention to treat.

An independent, national audit of almost 30,000 patients who were referred to WW by 74 different organisations demonstrated consistent outcomes when the intervention was used in routine health practices at scale; delivering an average weight loss of 3.3% and 5.5% of initial weight, for all referrals and completers respectively2.

Patients who attended WW were significantly more likely to lose weight and to achieve 5kg or 5% weight loss than those attending Slimming World. In addition, all cost measures were lower for WW3.

“Two independent trials1,3 both showed WW to be the best value for money of any of the NHS or commercial weight management providers under evaluation”.

Health Solutions

“We have a range of solutions that can easily fit into your local pathways, for example tier 2 weight management programme, diabetes prevention and a structured diabetes education programme (which is QISMET accredited). Please do get in touch with us if you would like to discuss your local needs. We offer gold standard lifestyle weight management programmes, but as obesity and unhealthy lifestyles are related to so many health issues, we work innovatively to deliver other programmes where weight loss is a core component” 


Find more information on our science compendium



1 Jolly K et al (2011) Comparison of range of commercial or primary care led weight reduction programmes with minimal intervention control for weight loss in obesity: Lighten up randomised controlled trial. BMJ. Nov 3;343.

2 Ahern A et al (2011) WW on prescription: An observational study of weight change among adults referred to WW by the NHS. BMC Public Health, 11, 434.

3 Dixon K et al (2011) Evaluation of weight loss outcomes for obese adults referred to a choice of three commercial weight management providers. South West Public Health Scientific Conference.


Get in touch and speak to the team. Call: 01628 415 287
or email: referral@weight-watchers.co.uk