10 incredible transformations to inspire you on your weight-loss journey

Sometimes the best weight loss motivation is seeing others’ success. These WW members have lost loads of weight on WW. Read on to see what they’ve gained:
1. Maria lost 101 pounds*
“I finally feel good in my own skin: I no longer look at the floor when I walk and no longer dread going out. I used to love the cold where I could bundle up and hide the way I looked. Now, I’m not afraid to get dressed, whatever the season. I’m finally comfortable with myself. That’s the biggest victory I could’ve asked for.”
2. Billy lost 71 pounds*
“I’m a flight attendant, but when I was at my highest weight, I felt so uncomfortable on the plane. It was difficult to pass someone while walking down the aisle, and it was hard to be on my feet all day. Now, I love how I look in my uniform—the sweater-vest looks good on me! And my energy is endless, especially when I land in new locales.”
3. Amanda lost 132 pounds*
“I’m finding my self-esteem again. It’s a work in progress. I feel so much better about myself. I’m able to go places with family and friends without worrying about having the energy to keep up with everyone. I feel strong, energetic, and healthy. My medical numbers—cholesterol, blood pressure—are all great, too.”
4. Sarah lost 94 pounds*
“Food no longer has control over my life—I do! Sure, it’s an everyday battle, and I still have to make healthy choices each day, but now I have wonderful concrete tools to help me on my way.”
5. Ed lost 43 pounds*
“If it weren’t for WW, I would’ve stayed where I was—not working towards helping myself, not fully living, but just surviving. Now, I’ve found a new passion for cooking. I love finding and making new recipes, perusing farmers’ markets to see what's in season, and sharing my passion for healthy and fresh cooking with my family.”
6. Willson lost 102 pounds*
“WW gave me the plan and the process to finally take control. Now I’m more at peace with and more comfortable in my own skin. I have some sagging skin, yes, some wrinkles, yes—but I don't care. With my new mindset, I’m more willing to take risks and put myself out there.”
7. Joyia lost 35 pounds*
“I've never been more confident in myself than I am now. It's not just about wearing a crop top or a swimsuit—that's definitely a plus—but it feels amazing to know I can do anything. There's no greater feeling than making yourself proud.”
8. Kate lost 47 pounds*
“Becoming a fitness instructor was always my dream, but I never felt confident enough when I was at my heaviest weight. Now I’m a certified spin instructor and teach an elliptical-based workout class.”
9. Jeff lost 77 pounds*
“Years ago when I was at my heaviest weight, I went skiing in Alaska. I had a panic attack on the ski mountain because I worried I’d get hurt on my way down. Through my weight loss journey, I’ve become more fearless and adventurous. When I went canyoning in Canada I hiked backwards down a waterfall. I biked the Northern Fjords in Norway and hiked the Sydney bridge in Australia.”
10. Ivana lost 36 pounds*
“The biggest way my life has changed is that I don't hesitate: My life used to be filled with noes: No last-minute plans. No wanting to dress up. No wanting to leave my house on some days. After losing weight and changing my mindset, I feel free, and now I jump at the opportunity to go out and do something.”
*At 6 months, participants in a clinical trial of the WW weight-loss program lost an average of 9.7 lbs (5% of body weight). And, people who track their food more often lose more weight. When actual WW members track their food at least two times a week for 6 months they lose on average 16.6 lbs. (7.9% body weight). Some members lost weight on a prior program.
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