Nicki: My friends all say I look much younger now!

" I am now at goal and so happy with my appearance."
Start weight: 15st 11.5lb | Weight loss: 6st 5.5lb
Current weight: 9st 6lb
Height: 5' 1" | Age: 59
WW Coach: Karen Elliott-Brown
Warning signs
I was warned by the practice nurse that I was modernising obese and at high risk of diabetes, but I wasn't too concerned as I thought I could take medication for diabetes. I hated my body shape and appearance, but I loved my food more. I then went for an eye test as my eyes had been playing up and my optician said the problem I was exhibiting was typical of high blood sugar levels. This was a massive wake up call as I realised if I became diabetic there was a possibility I could lose my sight, that would change every aspect of my life and I realised I had to do something.
Referred to WW
I returned to the GP who referred me to WW. I began walking every day and following the WW plan, attending Karen's session on Thursday mornings. The weight began to fall off, and after 12 weeks I had lost sufficient weight to be allowed a further 12 weeks attendance at no charge. At the end of the second 12 weeks I had been so successful I knew I had to continue. It has taken nearly 2 1/2 years, but I am now at goal and so happy with my appearance now. I walk at least 11,000 steps every day and having bought a Fitbit, I try to do a minimum of 250 steps every hour for 13 hours of the day. I used to have a very sedentary lifestyle, driving round to the local shops to "save time" now I think nothing of walking 3 miles to a shopping centre and feel so much fitter and healthier. My friends all say I look much younger too!