Lisa: I've got my life back!

"I owe my life to this plan, it has changed me so much!"
Start weight: 12st 7lb | Weight loss: 3st 6.5lbs
Current weight: 9st 0.5lb
Height: 5' 3" | Age: 52
WW Coach: Leigh Wood
Poor health
I have belonged to WW for about 10 years, and until 2 years ago just didn't have the right approach. 2 years ago everything changed, as a new WW Coach called Leigh Wood took over our meeting, and changed my life completely. I have suffered with poor health; Crohn's disease, high cholesterol, thyroid problems and osteoporosis. I was the biggest binge eater ever, buying 24 two finger KitKats and eating them all in one go, family sized packs of crisps and at least 6 cream eggs in one go.
Weight issues since childhood
I have had bad weight issues since I was about 12. I used to sit round a pool on holiday wearing a cardigan! I never went away with friends as I would not wear swim wear and I had no confidence at all. As years went by I got worse. I would never get undressed in front of my husband, had very serious body confidence issues, and learnt to live my life like this and was very miserable.
Changing my life
2 years ago Leigh Wood took over our WW Workshop and changed my life completely. She managed to do things no counsellor had ever managed to do and I finally have got it. I have gone from a size 18 to a 10 and have so much confidence. I help her at her Workshop twice a week and I am now helping others too . I have bought my first ever bikini and have learnt to love myself and my whole world is so different. I owe everything to Leigh. I have never had a good relationship with food but now I have and it's all thanks to Leigh. Also my health is the best it's ever been. I have been on a long journey and after 40 years I am truly happy, thank you WW and thank you Leigh!