Janey: How food made me fabulous

Janey's story
Name: Janey
Weight loss: 3st
Was: 12st
Now: 9st
Age: 52
Height: 5'4"
How long it took: 5 months
"My mantra? Get the mind in gear and the body will follow."
Food was a comfort I’ve always had an emotional connection with food – it did everything for me. During a bad patch, food was a comfort, and when things were good it was a celebration. After seeing an unflattering picture of myself at my niece’s birthday party, though, I realised I wanted to make a change.
Starting a blog I joined WW and cooking became more and more important. I wanted to start a blog, but didn’t even know how to upload a photo to my computer, so my tech-savvy daughter set me up with my blog Slice of Slim (slice-of-slim.com).
Pushing the plan to its limit I love pushing the plan to its limit and squeezing every last drop out of my allowance. All the food on my blog is food I love. I’m particularly proud of my desserts. I make this great jaffa creation using Choc Shot liquid chocolate with clementine and yogurt – it takes just a minute to put together.
Finding my whole identity As I gained weight over the years, I lost my style, but when I got to goal, I discovered there were so many more choices open to me, and I started dressing differently. Some people think losing weight is about getting into that smaller pair of jeans, but it’s about so much more. It’s about your whole identity, and losing weight made me feel like me again.
Living my mantra Blogging has helped me to stay on track. When time is short, I have to push myself to keep posting – but the lovely people who write to tell me I’ve inspired them, in turn inspire me to keep creating! My mantra? Get the mind in gear and the body will follow.