How to Cancel Your WW (WeightWatchers) Monthly Pass | WW UK
Workshop + Digital cancellation & refund policy
Am I eligible for a refund?
Before activation: If you realise that you do not meet the requirements to use Workshop + Digital , or are otherwise unable to activate on our website, please call Customer Service for assistance.
Alternatively, return the first page of the Workshop + Digital Pass Starter Booklet with the Access Code, along with the cancellation form - found on the back page of the booklet - to Customer Service, as soon as you are able. Ensure that you let us know your full name, a correspondence address and a telephone number.
We will refund the cost of your initial purchase less a fixed administration fee of £5.00.
To qualify for a refund, your Access Code must not have been activated.
How do I cancel Workshop + Digital?
We’ll be really sorry to see you go, but if you wish to cancel your subscription please click here to visit our cancellation page.
When does cancellation take effect?
Your Workshop + Digital is valid for a one month period at a time (your subscription month), ending on the valid end date.
Your cancellation will take effect from the end of the current subscription month.