How to boost your confidence before hitting the beach

Whether you’re wearing a bikini for the first time or still on your journey there, a trip to the beach can feel a bit overwhelming. But these tips from psychologist Deborah Smith could help shift your mindset and boost your self-esteem…
Before you head off on holiday, write a list of all your good qualities (don’t leave anything out!). Ask friends or family for help if you need it. Look at the list whenever you need to, and pack it in your suitcase too.
Don’t focus solely on the number on the scales. By doing so, you’re forgetting all the other positive things that go hand in hand with weight loss, such as improving your wellbeing or fitness level. Try listing all your non-scale victories, weighing yourself only at your WW Workshop or scheduled weekly time, or do something creative to take your mind off the scales.
We’re surrounded by images of so-called perfect bodies, holidays and relationships, and it’s difficult to not be affected by them. Make the decision to let go of what other people expect of you this summer, and just enjoy yourself.
Instead of waiting for something to trigger a smile, plaster one on anyway. Smiling helps decrease stress levels and makes you feel happier. But you need to smile with your whole face for it to work!
Have you noticed that when you spend time with certain people you feel more positive, whereas others leave you feeling drained? Other people’s outlooks can rub off on us, so surround yourself with confident people this summer.
Check out our Be Happy book, full of inspirational quotes and gorgeous images. Visit the WW Shop today or pick one up in your meeting.