Do you love your job as much as WW Coach Laura?

Hi, my name is Laura Hunt @laurahuntww, I’m a WW Coach based in Broadstone, a lovely little village just outside Poole, Dorset.
I run five fabulous Workshops and simply adore my members; they amaze me each and every week.
My WW journey
I joined WW as a member in 2017. Some friends of mine had recently completed a 5km race for life, but sadly I didn’t join in as I knew my body, health and fitness were nowhere near the right place to be running.
At school I was never keen on running - I came up with every excuse as to why it was not for me. Most memorably, I convinced myself my legs were too short!
However, as I’m approaching the big 40, I decided it was time to change both my eating habits and activity levels. I joined WW and also started a Couch to 5K running program.
After successfully completing the course and running my first 5km, I had also lost 2st with WW and felt like a new woman. After years of thinking I couldn’t do this, WW changed all that… I changed the way I eat, increased my activity levels and importantly, changed my mindset. Now I know I can do anything.
I wanted to share this with others, so I became a WW Coach.
Becoming a Coach
I know first-hand how it feels to want to change your life, but also being scared to!
Taking those steps into your first WW Workshop can feel daunting, but believe me they will be for the absolute best. I love watching my members change both physically and mentally. It is a privilege to be part of their amazing journey.
Becoming a Coach felt like coming home. The balance is perfect: I love that members are passionate about their weight loss and wellness journeys, and love hearing about the changes they’ve made - but I also enjoy being there to coach them forwards when their week doesn’t go to plan.
Finding a balance
I have a busy life outside of WW. I’m a keen runner (I know, sometimes I can’t believe it!) and have just completed my first marathon. As a WW Coach, I think it’s so important that I am constantly setting an example to my members. The marathon was the ultimate test for me, and the triumph I felt upon completing it was incredible.
I am happily married with two daughters and a beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Oscar (who is more like another child than a pet, and very spoilt!). I find that WW allows me to have the work-life balance that I’ve been striving for since I became a mum. Family time is so important to me; I don’t want to miss out on my girls, but I also enjoy working and with WW I have this balance.
The flexibility I have with my hours also means that Oscar and I can often be found enjoying a lovely walk, then enjoying a cheeky coffee in the sunshine! We all need a bit of ‘me’ time sometimes.
Training and opportunities
The training with WW is first-class, and the support we receive is second to none.
No day as a WW Coach is exactly the same, and I was honoured to represent the UK on the recent Mediterranean WW Cruise, which was the most awesome experience!
Sharing all that WW has to offer in a beautiful Mediterranean setting was incredibly special. The kindred spirits I found in not only other Coaches from around the world, but all of our amazing members, was an experience that will always have a special place in my heart.
Practising yoga on the top deck under the stars is just one experience I will never forget. The WW Cruise is just one of many opportunities that are available to WW Coaches.
WW is hiring!
If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a WW Coach, I’d definitely recommend it: inspiring others to create healthy habits and feel fantastic is such a rewarding job. What are you waiting for?!