Quiz! Which exercise is right for you?

Looking for a new way to keep fit? Answer these questions and note down the letter that appears most often for some new ideas.
What’s your idea of the perfect holiday?
A. An activity holiday – if you’re learning something new, it’s even better.
B. Wherever your friends are going, you’ll go too.
C. Anywhere where you can watch a beautiful sunrise.
D. Two weeks of sunbathing with a book and lots of cocktails.
Friends ask you to join them for a picnic followed by a game of rounders in the park at the weekend. How do you react?
A. Look up game tactics and find out what training you can do.
B. Jump at the chance to spend time with friends. The exercise is a bonus!
C. You’d love to but you’re too busy helping a friend organise a party.
D. Say you’re up for the picnic but rounders isn’t your cup of tea
What’s your next fitness goal?
A. To run a double marathon within the next two years.
B. To find a sport that you’ll want to do every week — and never make excuses to miss.
C. To be more supple and toned for your holiday.
D. To get yourself off the sofa.
It’s Sunday morning. What are you doing?
A. Pounding the pavement trying to beat your personal best.
B. With a group of friends, enjoying a weekend away.
C. Impossible to say – your routine changes every weekend and you’re rarely in the same place for long.
D. In bed with the papers.
Which of these descriptions fits you best?
A. Driven, energetic and focused.
B. Popular, friendly and outgoing.
C. Time-strapped and stressed.
D. Laid-back and happy with your routine.
The results…
Mostly A: The perfectionist
You thrive on competition and work best when you’re trying to beat the clock – or someone else. Try a new activity; cycling and swimming, for example, are low-impact alternatives to running. More important than what sport you choose is learning how to enjoy it. Work out at a less intense level than you normally would and focus on enjoying yourself.
Mostly B: The team player
Team sports are the ideal way for you to work out – football, rowing and netball are great ways for you to get fit. You don’t just play to win, so, for an extra incentive, why not start training for a 5k run, beginning with short distances and enjoying the journey as you increase the distance? Even better, persuade a friend to train with you.
Mostly C: The do-it-all
You have a busy lifestyle and any free time you have is spent helping out friends and family. You sometimes crave an hour to yourself, but you feel guilty saying no to other people and putting yourself first. Yoga and Pilates are perfect for you: a class will give you time each week to relax while you tone up and become more flexible and supple.
Mostly D: The exercise novice
You may find some aspects of fitness challenging; however, deep down, you want to find the motivation to get fit. To pep up long walks, download a new album, podcast or audiobook, or make fitness fun – get some friends together for a lighthearted game of tennis or toss a Frisbee around. You’ll be having such a good time, you’ll forget you’re exercising.