Jamella: "WeightWatchers® made me see that you have to live your life"

When did you start your WW journey?
I was looking forward to going back to work after having my first baby and a week before I was due to go back, I was horrified to find my nurse’s uniform didn’t fit me any more. It was a size 16 and I couldn’t do the zip up.
I had to get a new uniform in a size 26 and felt like I stuck out being so big. I also discovered that my BMI was 49 and I was too embarrassed to admit it to my boss who said that my ethnicity was a risk factor when it came to Covid. She also thought my BMI was below 40 and I didn’t tell her it wasn’t.
I put on weight during pregnancy, but I gained more afterwards. I was tired and would eat cakes for comfort. I would also eat them in secret. I knew I had to get myself out of the cycle and decided to join WW - I was following somebody on Instagram who’d had amazing results on the programme.
Tell us about your weight loss journey.
I was amazed when I saw I’d lost 9lb in my first week. I kept on going and the weight continued to drop off. I started to feel better and I had more energy, so I signed up for some online workouts. I enjoyed them so much, I bought myself some kit, such as kettlebells, weights and exercise bands.
I’m about to start a new job in outpatients and got measured for a new uniform - this time round, I was handed a size 12.
Do you feel like you have the freedom to eat what you like?
I’ve tried all the plans - Green, Purple and Blue - and I’ve enjoyed them all. I’ve also learned to live in the moment. When I was trying to lose weight on my own, I would say ‘no’ to any invitations out for meals because I didn’t want to get out of my healthy routine and gain weight. The WeightWatchers weight-loss programme made me see that you have to live your life and having a piece of birthday cake or a takeaway from time to time isn’t going to ruin everything.
*Jamella has lost 7st 8lbs since February 2020.