5 nutrition tips for nursing mums

If you're a WW member who's breastfeeding, the great news is that the programme can be adapted to your needs as you nurse and wean your baby (or babies!).
Below are our top 5 tips if you're nursing. Always follow the advice from your qualified health professionals during this special time.
1. Breastfeed for the first six months if possible
Health professionals recommend that babies are exclusively breastfed for the first six months, and that breast milk continues to be an important part of a baby's diet for the first year of life. To help you safely follow the WW weight-loss programme while you feed and wean your baby, find out how many Points® to add to your Budget.
2. Lose a maximum of 1lb per week
While breastfeeding, a weight loss of up to 1lb a week is recommended by health professionals. Losing more weight than this may affect the quality and quantity of your breast milk. Everyone's different, so WW adapts your personalised Points Budget and uses your weight loss as a guide to find the right balance for you.
3. Develop a healthy pattern of eating
You don't need to eat anything special while you're breastfeeding. Just like everyone else, a healthy diet can help you lose weight and contribute to good health. The WW programme helps you build healthy eating habits, including tracking your food, staying within your Points Budget and making the most of ZeroPoint™ foods.
4. Consider vitamin supplements
Ask your GP or health visitor about vitamin supplements. For example, everyone - including pregnant and breastfeeding women - should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10mcg of vitamin D.
5. Limit oily fish to 2 portions per week
While having fish in your diet can be part of a healthy pattern of eating, while you are breastfeeding try to limit portions (a portion is about 140g) of oily fish to no more than two a week. Pollutants found in oily fish may build up in the body and get passed to your baby.
If you have any questions after you sign up to WW, please don't hesitate to speak with a WW Coach. You can chat with us 24/7 on the app, or at a Workshop. If you have any concerns about you or your baby's health, consult with your GP.