Make time for yourself during the festive season

Fact: this time of year can by busy and stressful. That's why its important to set boundaries and prioritise time for yourself to help navigate the season, find calm, and stay on track. Use the ideas below to add in (and protect) a little extra 'me time'.
1. Keep moving
Slot activity around everyday events - try grabbing a far-away parking spot while shopping, or walking while making and taking phone calls.
2. Pull out your diary
Schedule a brisk jog with a family member or friend to clear your head of any tension.
3. Embrace JOMO
That's the Joy Of Missing Out! RSVP 'yes' to the parties that mean the most to you and send a thoughtful note for the ones you skip.
4. Take time getting ready
Make the most of getting done up for those festive parties by inviting your friends over, popping on some music and really enjoying yourselves while you get ready for the festivities.
5. Wind down
Take 20 minutes before bed for a warm, candlelit bath or a calming yoga session.
6. Disappear for a spell
If you have overnight guests, give yourself half an hour of alone time to recharge. They'll probably appreciate the break too!