Get connected and inspo from social media
Like, share and tweet your way to positivity and success!
Here are 5 ways to harness the power of social media to live more healthily and happily:
1. Set up your own support squad
There’s nothing like a quick confidence boost to keep your eating plan on track – and remind you how amazing you look! Whether it’s swapping positive tweets with friends or posting on our members-only community Connect, studies show talking to your support network inspires you (71 per cent of women on a weight loss plan were more likely to stick to it with friends).
So, don’t be afraid to accept those compliments – you’ll be more motivated than ever to get to goal!
2. Follow your WW Coach
Kerry from Glasgow uses her WW Coach's Facebook page for support. "My WW Coach Christine’s Facebook page is a godsend! I can log on throughout the week and keep up to date with what she and the other members are up to. Everyone posts tips, recipes and inspirational quotes, and they all share when they’ve had a good or a bad week. It’s a 24/7 resource that I can turn to if I’m ever feeling low or tempted to give up. I’ve lost nearly 5st so far and I don’t think I’d have managed that without it."
Follow our Facebook page to receive updates in your news feed. You’ll be able to post your own comments, too.
3. Meet like-minded members
Elle from Bristol uses Twitter to meet other WW members. "I was already on Twitter, but I hadn’t thought of using it to help me on my weight loss journey before. I followed WW UK and began tweeting other members to ask for advice or recipe ideas. It’s been great for me as, if faced with temptation when out and about, I can turn to my Twitter friends for uplifting advice and support."
4. Write a blog
Zoe from Dublin writes a blog to help her stay at goal. "I’d lose, then regain, lose again and then regain. In 2012, at my heaviest ever, I decided I needed to fundamentally change my attitude to weight loss. I started a blog, where I could record my progress properly. I reached goal after a year and I know that my blog was key to my success. Having followers created another group of people that I was accountable to, as well as my WW Coach and fellow WW members. I know I have to keep an eye on things, as people will be watching!"
5. All hail the ‘healthie’
There are more people than ever on Instagram posting their healthy food selfies – or ‘healthies’, as we like to call them. Start an account to help track your meals, or get inspired to make something new. Start snapping your ‘healthie’ collection at and tag with #MyWWJourney so we can see what you’ve been creating! Find us on Instagram.