Simple snack-attack tips

Changing your snacking habits can be challenging when you're trying to lose weight. The good news is you don't have to quit snacks altogether – but adopting some smart snacking habits will be key.
Here’s how to enjoy the ones you want, and say no to the ones you don’t:
Swap your snacks for healthier choices. Remove sweet nibbles from your house or office, and replace them with fruit, veggie sticks, plain popcorn, 0%-fat yogurt, or whizz up a smoothie with frozen fruits.
Distract yourself whenever you’re tempted. Get up from your desk or the sofa, call a friend, jump on social media or do some simple stretches. By the time you return to what you were doing, the craving should’ve gone.
Change your environment to change your habits. Always walk past the coffee shop on the way to work? Try a different route. Do you snack watching TV? Keep your hands busy by taking up knitting!
Be Points prepared – if you know the value of certain snacks, you can decide if something is worth having, or whether it’s better to hold out for something more satisfying. Not sure? Use our app when you’re out and about.
Work out why you’re snacking. Feeling angry, lonely, sad or bored will all make you hungry – but it’s not for food. Acknowledge what you’re feeling and find a positive way to deal with that emotion.
Don’t beat yourself up if you do have one too many biscuits – negative thinking will only cause you to give up. Nobody’s perfect! Draw a line under it and move on.