Fibre-rich recipes

We've made some exciting enhancements to our science-based Points algorithm, which makes choosing what to eat simpler than ever before. Our Points algorithm crunches even more nutritional data, so you’re guided toward the very healthiest choices, which now includes fibre, unsaturated fats and added sugar. This means our Points system reflects healthy eating recommendations and will nudge you towards foods that help you stay fuller for longer and assist you in reaching your weight and wellness goals.
Fibre is a new focus because fibre-rich foods are nutrient dense, meaning they contain additional vitamins and minerals that are important for good health. Science also shows that eating more fibre is associated with lower cholesterol and a lowered risk for heart disease, decreased risk for type 2 diabetes, and improved digestive health. Additionally, fibre-rich foods will help keep you fuller longer.
Hight fibre options include:
Food | Fibre | Points |
Oats (rolled, boiled) | 2.3g | 2 |
Wholemeal pasta (boiled) | 3.7g | 2 |
Brown rice (cooked) | 1.4g | 4 |
Chickpeas (cooked) | 5g | 0 |
Chia seeds | 10.3g | 3 |
Quinoa (cooked) | 3.4g | 2 |
Lentils (cooked) | 4.1g | 0 |
RELATED: What you need to know about fibre