Your 7-Day Dinner Plan: Breakfast for Dinner

Dinner ruts happen to the best of us. After coming up with meal after meal every day, even the most creative home cooks run out of dinner inspiration from time to time.
When you feel like your well of meal ideas has run dry, shake things up by thinking outside the usual pasta/stir-fry/protein-plus-two-veg combo. In fact, think outside dinner foods period. Waffles, pancakes, eggs—they're not just for your morning meal! A well-balanced breakfast has all the same characteristics you look for in a weeknight dinner: quick, simple, crowd-pleasing, and satisfying. Plus, it's something different and feels like you're breaking all the rules, even when you're just breaking some eggs.
This collection of breakfast-turned-dinner recipes ranges from sweet to savoury options. There are eggs galore and some bacon too, but also plenty of fruit and veg tucked in for nutrition and fill-you-up fibre.