5 Recipes to Make with Your SO

When you’re in a relationship, and you both work long hours, one of the most frustrating things is finding time to just hang out and be together; couple that with making sure you’re both eating healthy meals, and the pressure is on.
Thankfully cooking and meal prep can be a social activity you and your significant other can do together. Whether it’s a romantic dinner for two, or just something simple and fun on a random night, making meals together can be great fun. And when you propose making meals together, there’s a chance you can get out of dish duty afterwards ;)
Spiced Lamb Chops with Gremolata
Filet Mignon with Red Wine Sauce
Fish Tacos with Chipotle Cream
Pan-seared Salmon with Sundried Tomato Couscous
Asian-Spiced Shrimp Burgers with Wasabi Slaw
Got a recipe you and your SO like to make together? Click on over to Facebook and share some of your meals.. Here’s to healthy choices.