Photo of Gluten-free pancake "cake" by WW

Gluten-free pancake "cake"

Points® value
Total Time
40 min
10 min
30 min
Looking for a pretty Mother’s day breakfast idea, or just a fun twist on your usual weekend pancakes? Try our fruit-topped, stacked-up “cake” of creamy two-ingredient pancakes made from just ripe bananas and eggs. The riper your bananas, the sweeter the pancakes will be. The cook time here is based on using a nonstick griddle, which allows you to cook two large pancakes at once (you could also have two nonstick skillets going at the same time).


Cooking spray

4 spray(s)


2 cup(s), mashed (about 4 medium or 6 small ripe bananas)

Raw egg

8 large, lightly beaten

Powdered sugar (confectioner's)

2 tsp(s)


1 cup(s)


½ cup(s)


  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together bananas and eggs until well blended. Coat a large nonstick griddle with cooking spray and heat over medium heat (or coat 1 to 2 medium nonstick skillets with nonstick spray and heat over medium heat).
  2. Scoop ½ cup batter per pancake onto griddle or skillet; smooth into a 7-inch circle. Cook until browned on bottom and well set, 3 to 4 minutes. Carefully slide a thin spatula under pancake and flip over; cook until browned on bottom, 3 to 4 minutes. Place cooked pancake on a plate and repeat process with remaining batter (you should get 8 pancakes); stack pancakes on top of each other on plate. Sprinkle powdered sugar over top of pancake stack; top with berries.
  3. Serving size: ¼ of pancake “cake”


Make sure you allow the pancakes to fully cook and set on one side before trying to flip them. They’re delicate and could tear; a thin spatula is a must here.