How is WW (Weight Watchers) different than Noom? | WW Canada

How Is WeightWatchers® Different Than Noom?

WW Is The #1 Program For Weight Loss. Our PersonalPoints™ Program Is Our Most Personalized Weight Loss Program Ever!

WW is the #1 Doctor Recommended Weight Loss Program*



U.S. News & World Report Rankings*

In 2022, WW was named the #1 Best Diet for Weight Loss and Best Diet Program for the 12th consecutive year.

In 2022, Noom ranked #12 for "Best Diet for Weight Loss" and #4 for "Best Diet Program"


More than 50 years of history successfully scaling effective, accessible, science-based weight management.

Noom was founded about 10 years ago and launched the Noom App in 2010.

Scientific Evidence

100 published studies conducted in 5 countries on 4 continents have rigorously evaluated the WW program and demonstrated its efficacy.

Numerous randomized clinical trials have shown that WW is more effective for weight loss than self-help, university-based treatment, and physician advice. WW has been shown to be effective among individuals with diabetes and prediabetes.

Research cited by Noom admits having “limitations,” including that one study was “not a randomized, controlled trial, and thus comparisons with a control group could not be made,” and that in another study “all of the data including food and exercise were self-reported and prone to social desirability which may lead to inaccurate data.” Some other research describes limitations (e.g., “limited generalizability,” “uncontrolled,” “pilot,” etc.). The only randomized, controlled study was limited to patients with eating disorders.

How does it work?WW incorporates healthy eating, activity, sleep and mindset. Our PersonalPoints system assigns easy-to-understand numbers to foods and beverages that take into account colories, fibre, protein, unsaturated fats, added sugars and saturated fats. Our Points help nudge you toward foods that are higher in fibre, protein, and unsaturated fats and lower in added sugar and saturated fats.Users are given a personalized daily calorie budget based on age, sex, activity level, and weight loss goals. Foods are grouped in colours (green, yellow and red) to help guide users towards healthier choices. Noom also uses psychological strategies including with messaging via its app to help users manage  the mental and emotional barriers to weight loss.
What can I eat?Everything's still on the menu. In fact, there are over 200 ZeroPoint™ foods that you don't have to weigh, measure, or  track.   These foods form the basis of a healthy eating pattern.

No foods are off limits. Foods are grouped into a traffic light system of  green, yellow, and red foods.  Green foods are lowest in caloric density and/or contain the highest concentration of healthy nutrients; yellow foods which have more calories and/or less healthy nutrients per serving than green should be eaten in moderate amounts; red foods which are highest in caloric density and/or have the least healthy nutrients are meant to be eaten with less frequency and in smaller amounts.

How can I access the program?

Through our WW app,, phone, and in-person Workshops.

App only.

Added features

WW recognizes that in addition to eating healthier, moving more, sleeping well and being in the right frame of mind are important aspects of the wellness journey. We offer tools to encourage members to move more and shift to a more helpful mindset. For example, we have partenered with Breethe and ObE Fitness to provide members with curated meditation and activity content to help them be successful on their wellness journey. Free for WW members.

Noom offers Noom Weight and Noom Mood to focus on weight loss and reducing stress. Each program has its own app and separate costs.

Social support

Wellness Workshops, Wellness Coaches, 24/7 Expert Chat, D360 Coaching and Connect, an exclusive social network with other members for inspiration whenever you need it. We meet you where it's most convenient for you.

Support is digital through a personal coach. After two weeks on the program you are put into a digital support group with other members.

*Based on a 2019 survey of 500 doctors who recommend weight loss programs to patients