Lost your mojo? 3 ways to get motivated
These simple tips can help you feel happier and more inspired!
How you think and feel can make a real difference to your enthusiasm and your weight loss. Feeling disappointed? You might be tempted to go off track. Had a good week? You might feel like you could conquer the world!
We all have weeks when the scales stick, but don’t give up. Use these three tricks whenever your mojo needs a boost.
- Make a ‘why’ list
Think about the day you joined Weight Watchers – what inspired that decision? How did you feel when you took that First step? Write detailed answers so you can look back and reconnect with the surge of positivity that kick-started your journey.
- Create your own stepping-stones
The only way to achieve results is by changing your routine, but you need to start small and be realistic. Setting yourself huge targets means you’re more likely to miss them. So if you want to be fitter, for example, start by doing one push-up every morning, not 20, and build up gradually.
- Take time to review
Recording your weight every week means you can see your weight loss progressing, but make sure you also track your SmartPoints, everything you eat and drink, and log your activity, so you’ve got a clear record of all your achievements, on and off the scales. Make tracking easier with our apps for iOS or Android.