Have a Great Vacation

The things that make vacations so wonderful—change of scenery, change of pace, change from your normal schedule—are also the things that pose challenges to your healthy eating plan. Your food and activity routines (even something as simple as eating breakfast every day) might be a little trickier to replicate when you’re away. Combine that with the other routine-busters that come with being on vacation: buffet breakfasts, local delicacies, perhaps the luxury of lounging poolside for hours doing little more than holding a cold cocktail in one hand and a book in the other. Sounds wonderful—and maybe a little scary, right?
The good news is you can jump in to all that vacation offers, and come back home without any unwelcome souvenirs, ahem, extra pounds. Or you can even plan for a small gain (totally doable and manageable, by the way; read on!) Your plan can tag along with you, via the app, your Pocket Guide, and other tools.
Take a moment to think about the choices you made during past vacations. Would you change anything this time? We’ve gathered a few suggestions for charting a course you’ll be happy with. These strategies will help you find a middle ground between staying on plan and totally letting loose while you’re away.
Take a “holiday” from tracking
A vacation might be a good time to try the Simply Filling technique instead of tracking SmartPointsTM values: No number crunching! You can use your Weekly SmartPoints for special foods or drinks, or however you want to allot them.
Pack a few plan essentials
Take your smartphone for access to the app, stow other helpful tools like workout clothes and sneakers, a jump rope for quick in-room workouts, your activity monitor, and some non-perishable plan-friendly snacks.
Adjust your expectations
You might not want to focus on losing weight during vacation, and that’s okay! You can aim to maintain your current loss, or even plan for a small gain. Decide what approach you’re most comfortable with and keep it in mind throughout your trip. The important thing is to stay connected to your plan.
Find fitness in fun places
Plenty of travel adventures involve moving a lot. You can earn FitPointsTM while sightseeing, swimming, playing beach volleyball, taking a scenic bike ride, paddling a canoe, or going on a hike. Look for ways to move wherever you can—even in your car!
Stay in a place with a kitchen
Resorts with all-you-can-eat meal plans might seem like a bargain, but they can trigger an “I better get my money’s worth” feeling, which makes it easy to overdo. On the other hand, many hotels offer suites with small kitchens; or try Airbnb or Homeaway to get a huge range of housing options at all price points. You can eat healthfully and inexpensively for some or all of your meals, plus make smart snacking easier, too. And there’s something about shopping at the local market that enhances your vacation experience.
Enjoy every minute
It’s a vacation, after all! Take the time to relax, splurge on a massage, sleep late—being good to yourself can help you become even more committed to healthy living and reaching a happy weight.
Fire ’em up!
Burgers? Dogs? Chicken? What’s your favorite thrill from the grill? Celebrate Victoria Day weekend with our tasty roundup of sizzling options.