Get Back on Track
Nobody's perfect. (Big shocker, right?) So why do we beat ourselves up so much for making mistakes, especially when it comes to weight loss? It’s a good question, and one we're learning to answer with self-compassion, reality checks, and other ways of shifting our mindsets. Instead of aiming for perfection, it's more helpful to anticipate setbacks—even little ones—and plan to learn from them. Being able to forgive ourselves and accept our mistakes is a valuable part of the journey, and crucial to long-term success.
Let’s be honest: overeating happens. Whether you chose something that turned out to be wildly "point-y," or you grabbed a snack without first asking yourself, “Is this worth it?," or you just overdid it at Happy Hour, it’s what you do next that matters. In your Weekly, you’ll find a five-step plan to get back on track, stronger than ever.
And to get your thinking in the right place, too, consider: “There’s no such thing as failure, only feedback.” This powerful quote reminds us that disguised in every setback are valuable insights. A slip-up can leave you feeling ashamed, and even stuck. No matter what, be kind to yourself, and turn your unhelpful thoughts around, by giving them a reality check (Is your thought a fact? Is it something you'd say to a friend?), and coming up with a more realistic helpful thought instead. Recognize that every slip-up is a learning experience, showing you what not to do—and what you might do instead. If, for instance, you find that the scale’s not budging, it could be because you’ve slipped on tracking, or portioning. Look back to a time when you were rocking the plan and take it from there.
If it feels like you’re losing your motivation (and this time of year can be challenging—not quite winter, not quite spring), give yourself a jolt of something fresh and new. It can help you come back to your plan with your mojo renewed. When you’re back in the groove, think about the circumstances that led to the slip-up. How can your tools, like the app help you avoid it in the future?
Mini Sweets That Max the Treat