What's Your Superpower?
In the new movie, Wonder Woman’s hunky sidekick Steve Trevor tells her, “I can save the day. You can save the world.” True, losing weight might not involve such high stakes, but it can still be mighty demanding. So connect with your own inner superhero and use your powers to see you through to victory.
We’re not talking about the ability to fly or having X-ray vision, of course. Your superpowers are the special traits and characteristics that make you who you are. Your Weekly explores how identifying and using your special strengths can make you happier over the long term And being happy cascades into other beneficial behaviours: being more active, sleeping better and longer, and eating more nutritious foods.
Get to know your strengths
A great jumping-off point for figuring out your "superpowers" is to first acknowledge that you are important and worthy of care. Then, think about what's part of your core makeup that can directly help you succeed at weight loss. A handy, simple framework for this exercise is to think of it as if you were putting together your résumé.
Knowledge: What have you learned since joining Weight Watchers that's helping you get where you want to be? It could be that you know a lot more about nutrition and food, or you’ve picked up smart shopping tips, or even that you know where to go for help, whether it’s your fellow members or your plan materials.
Experience: What do you do differently or better (or both!) than you did before joining Weight Watchers? If this isn’t your first time losing weight, what were your previous experiences like? What did you learn from those experiences?
Skills: What tactics or techniques do you practice regularly now? Have you become a healthy cook? Maybe you've discovered your inner boxer, or gardener, or playing-with-the-kids-er? Can you track like a boss or eyeball a portion with deadly accuracy?
Interests: How have you expanded your horizons? Did you learn a new sport, try meditation, join a cooking club? What about making time for other pursuits that simply feel good, like getting a back rub, or doing a jigsaw puzzle, or hosting a game night with friends? Those time-outs are valuable, too.
Accomplishments/Honours/Awards: What have you earned milestone awards for? What small steps have you taken in the right direction? Think outside your weight-loss journey, too: Reflect on accomplishments and triumphs that prove you have what it takes to be successful. Yes, you can stick with it and stay committed all the way to goal and beyond!
Watermelon Medley
No fruit says "Summer!" more than watermelon. Make the most of this juicy fruit.