Grace: 5 things I learned about style

Grace's story
Name: Grace
Weight loss: 10st 9lb
Was: 20st 5lb
Now: 9st 10lb
Age: 35
Height: 5'4"
"My happy, sparkly eyes show everyone that I'm living the life I want. "
1. Make your style reflect your personality You could say I've been a hippie chick since my high school days. Back then, I wore all kinds of tie-dye tops paired with fringed skirts. I guess it was my interest in holistic therapy and aromatherapy, but I also just loved the colours and free-flowing style. My love of all things boho never went away, but my ability to wear it definitely did.
2. Hiding doesn't make you happier My size caused a lot of problems. Between battling anxiety and depression (and the asthma that stopped me walking up the road without an inhaler) I decided to hide – mostly behind massive, dark-coloured jumpers.
3. …And what you wear can affect how you feel It wasn't just that I was invisible – I wanted to be! Suddenly all the feel-good vibes of my happy hippie style were totally sucked away and replaced by anything black, oversized, and dull.
4. Celebrate every milestone! After joining WW, shopping became exciting again. Every single dress size down was an amazing experience – it felt like a dream. As I got closer to goal, I started to feel 'normal' again. But most importantly, my clothes (and personality!) got their colour back.
5. Feeling good is the most important thing When I catch a glimpse of myself now, I'm not just looking at my clothes. Sure, I love that my style has returned, but my biggest achievement? Getting my smile back. My happy, sparkly eyes show everyone that I'm living the life I want.