Ready, steady, go! New ways to get active with the family

Weekends and holidays can lead to lie-ins and lots of time in front of the box. But there are more active (and fun!) ways to spend time with the kids…
Have a ‘wheelie’ good time
When was the last time you strapped on a pair of roller skates? An hour of roller skating or inline skating – whether doing laps at an indoor skate centre or making your way round your local park – is not just good fun, it could earn you up to around 3 FitPoints® (based on a 10st person), too. Don’t forget your knee pads!
RELATED: Find out more about FitPoints
Get competitive
If you’re tired of the standard post-lunch walk, try initiating a little friendly competition. Head to a local green space (or even your back garden), divide the family into teams and play a friendly game of football or ultimate Frisbee. Or, challenge each other with something silly or unusual – such as a hula-hooping contest. Whoever wins gets to choose the next game!
Jump for joy
Remember that trampoline you bought at Christmas? Time to give it a go! If you don’t own one, consider a day out to a local trampolining park – they usually include bouncy floors and walls, so you (and the kids) can jump and tumble the day away – or ask at your local sports hall or leisure centre. A one-hour low-intensity session on the tramp will earn you around 4 FitPoints (based on a 10st person).
Hunt for treasure
Take the kids on a real-life ‘geocaching’ treasure hunt. The aim of the game is to find ‘geocaches’, which are hidden containers in all shapes and sizes, using GPS coordinates. Once you find your treasure, sign the log-book, log your experience online and then move onto the next one. Learn how to get started at