Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth This Valentine's Day

Love and chocolate have long dealt the fatal blow to many a healthy eating plan. In fact, in 2012, Statistics Canada reported a total of $1.5 billion in revenue for the manufacturers of chocolate and confectioneries from cocoa beans in Canada.
How did this happen? Valentine’s Day was originally instituted to honour two early Christian martyrs, both named Valentine. Later, during the Middle Ages, the day became associated with romantic love, between lords and ladies of courts. That tradition traveled with the Europeans to the new colony of Canada. While cards, flowers, and candy were shared as early as the 15th century, it wasn't until modern times that this holiday became associated with gorging ourselves on ever-expanding boxes of high-calorie, high-fat treats.
Just about every healthy-eating expert in the world is going to suggest you escape all danger by giving—or receiving!—a non-caloric alternative like roses, jewelry, a teddy bear, a massage. Yet…with all flurry and fervour of the day, your sweetheart (or your own sweet tooth) might still appreciate a little something to savour. So why not whip up a little treat that will satisfy your craving, but not derail your healthy eating plans.