women: safety tips

You are urged and advised to consult your physician prior to beginning any exercise program, particularly if you suffer from high blood pressure, have had a stroke, have a heart, lung, liver or kidney condition or if you have recently been hospitalized.

  • Seek medical attention for any injury, discomfort or pain that you feel during or after the activity.

  • Always make sure your body is warmed up before you take part in any type of exercise or strenuous activity.

  • Always stretch at the end of your warm-up and after you are finished exercising, to help prevent stiff and sore muscles.

  • Never stretch a cold muscle, because it can lead to injuries. Therefore, the best time to work on improving your flexibility is at the end of your workout or after a thorough warm-up, when you are already very warm.

  • No matter what the activity, always maintain good postural habits. Keep a check on your posture and make sure your back is never in an awkward or uncomfortable position.

  • Proper footwear can be your most important piece of equipment, regardless of the type of exercise you do. Make sure you have the correct type of shoes for the activity and that they are comfortable and supportive.

  • To avoid dehydration, drink water before, during and after physical activity. On hot days, don't exercise in the middle of the day and wear light-colored, loose, comfortable clothing so body heat can easily escape.

  • If you're pregnant, follow an exercise program recommended by your physician.

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Safety tips
It's always a good idea to check with your physician before making any changes in your physical activity.
 Safety tips for women
 Safety tips for men