women: stomach/abs
By Martha Lourey Bird  |   MSpSC, BSpSC (ExSc), DipRT

When you're just starting these exercises, try to complete up to three repetitions of each, with good form and without getting too tired (e.g., between 12 and 20). Remember to keep movements slow and controlled so your abdominals are doing the work and not your momentum. To help avoid neck pain, tuck your chin in towards your chest and keep movements small at first — this helps to ensure that your abdominals are working properly. Gradually build up to repeating these exercises four or five times. Finally, remember to breathe out when raising your body up off the floor and in on the way down.

1. crunches
Lie on your back with your knees bent and support your head in your hands, as shown. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor towards a 45-degree angle and breathe out. As you lower your shoulder blades back down again, breathe in. To keep the action slow and controlled, count to four on the way up and then to four again on the way down. Always keep your chin tucked toward your chest and avoid letting your head touch the ground — you can maximize your results by lifting and lowering your shoulder blades off the floor, not by moving your head.
2. trunk twists
Lie on your back with your knees bent and support your head in your hand. Raise your upper back off the floor and, with one hand, reach over to your opposite knee, performing a trunk twist. Alternate sides, keeping your head off the floor, and remember to breathe out as you lift up and breathe in as you lower back down.
3. reverse curls
Lie on your back, your legs raised and hands below your belly button, as shown. This will enable you to actually feel your lower abdominal muscles tightening as you perform the exercise. Keep your legs raised and knees bent as you lift and lower your bottom, imagining that you are trying to press your heels up to the ceiling. Do not lift your back off the floor — just slightly raise your bottom an inch or so off the ground to feel your abdominal muscles working. Avoid holding your breath as you gently lift and lower your legs and bottom.

handy hints for a flat stomach

A "flabby stomach" is a combination of excess body fat and low muscle tone (firmness) in the deep muscles (called “abdominals”). Poor postural habits often leave people unable to activate their deep abdominal muscles. But this can be remedied by learning to pull your navel in while breathing out.

Start by tying a piece of ribbon or string firmly around your waist with the abdominal muscles relaxed. Next, practice breathing out while pulling the navel in to narrow the waist. The point is to keep the tension off the string by holding this posture for five full breaths, then release. Continue for eight repetitions; building confidence that you are achieving the desired result. When you have mastered this, try to maintain the flat stomach appearance without needing the string, not only throughout your day, but also while performing your exercises. This will help ensure that maximum benefit is achieved from every workout.

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