Community Ground Rules | WW NZ
Community Guidelines and Privacy Policy
Welcome! We're so glad you've decided to participate in the WeightWatchers® community. Members come to our community for inspiration and support in their weight-loss journey. It is a very special place where members share their challenges and joys and members come to cheer each other on. Our community guidelines listed below are intended to keep the WeightWatchers community a safe and supportive space for all.
By participating, you're agreeing to observe all of our Community Guidelines, which are part of our Terms and Conditions. If you fail to observe these guidelines, we reserve the right to remove any posts or comments and/or suspend or terminate your participation in our community. Posts that are or become divisive will be removed. Please join us in making our WeightWatchers community a safe and inclusive space for all.
- BE KIND. Please be tolerant of everyone you meet, even if you disagree with their opinions. The WeightWatchers community is a place for you to share your weight-loss and wellness journey with others; we encourage you to share your tips and suggestions on how living the WeightWatchers program has worked for you! Look to encourage members on making progress. Remember—we’re all in it together! And please extend your kindness to our brand, employees and program. No brand bashing, please.
- DON’T DISCRIMINATE. WeightWatchers does not condone discrimination or hate speech, including but not limited to speech based on race, colour, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, physical appearance, or veteran status.
- USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE, VISUALS AND ACTIONS. Don't use language, visuals, or audio that are sexually explicit or inviting, threatening, abusive, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable. This includes the use of foul or discriminatory language, usernames, visuals, video backgrounds, clothing, targeting and imagery.
- KEEP IT CLEAN. Nudity is prohibited in all WeightWatchers experiences. On Connect, underwear or swimwear pictures are allowed as long as they aren’t sexual.
- PRESERVE TRUST AND SAFETY. Threats of violence and stalking of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in removal from all community experiences.
- BYPASS THE POLITICS. While our weight loss and wellness is impacted by our surroundings, please do not use this platform to solicit, lobby and/or promote political campaigns or individuals. Political posts or comments, including but not limited to those that are partisan, contain vitriol, invite debate, attempt to impose your political view on other members, or call out the perceived wrong doing of specific political leaders or belief systems of governments, are prohibited.
- RESPECT ALL SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. Keep in mind that members are coming to WeightWatchers from a wide variety of backgrounds and beliefs. Please don’t create posts that push religious beliefs on others or criticise another’s lack of religious belief.
- SAY NO TO SPAM. Please keep ALL WeightWatchers experiences commercial/ad free. Don’t post links to e-commerce sites, promotional materials, phishing, pyramid schemes, fundraising efforts and charity drives, or any other form of solicitation. Members are allowed to share products that have helped on their journey as long as there are no promo codes associated with a product—all promo codes are prohibited.
- RESPECT COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS. Please be aware that if you post or link any copyrighted information, you may be held responsible by the information owner. WeightWatchers is not responsible for any posts that violate copyright laws. Copyrighted information may include content from another website, a recipe from a book, images and intellectual property. If you see a recipe with Points® values that another member has created, please know that WeightWatchers has not validated these Points values.
- RESPECT THE PRIVACY OF OTHERS. Please be mindful of the privacy of others and don’t post anything that reveals someone’s personal information such as their full name, phone number, email or residential address, social security or credit card number, other member’s photos, or any other information without their consent. WeightWatchers is not responsible for any of your own private information you choose to share with other members.
- WW IS FOR ADULTS. All WeightWatchers experiences are designed for adults 18 or over. You may not enrol in a WeightWatchers membership if you are under age 18. We will terminate any membership where we become aware that the individual is under the age of 18.
- LEAVE MEDICAL ADVICE TO DOCTORS. It is prohibited for you to share or offer any kind of physical or mental health assessment, diagnosis, treatment, or advice to other members (even if you are a licensed or registered medical professional or share the same medical condition). The WeightWatchers community is not a forum for providing professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always refer to your doctor for all such questions, concerns and advice.
If you feel that another member is in violation of these guidelines in a Workshop, report to your Workshop staff members.
On Connect, you can report other members’ posts by clicking on the three dot menu and tapping "Report Post." If you prefer to not see another member’s posts, simply remove them from your feed by choosing “block member” after tapping on the three dot menu next to the username. In the future, these members' posts and comments won’t show up on your feed. They also won’t be able to see your posts and comments. Don’t worry, they won’t know you’ve blocked them.
When using Chat directly with other members or in a group setting, please note that our enforcement of the Community Guidelines will be limited. If you would prefer to no longer engage in a chat with another member(s), you may leave the chat by tapping on the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and tapping “leave chat” or block them by clicking on the member’s profile photo or username and selecting “block member.” If a member is acting in a concerning manner, please report them on Connect by going to the Connect tab, typing in the username of the person you want to report, clicking on their profile, and selecting “Report” from the menu in the top right-hand corner. When reporting, please provide detailed information in the comment section.
WW Privacy Policy
Review our Privacy Policy