Why Target 10 Percent?

What you need to know about this initial weight-loss goal, which comes complete with exceptional physical and emotional benefits.
Why Target 10 Percent?

Many Weight Watchers members and online subscribers have heard of the 10-percent target — the suggested initial goal of dropping 10 percent of the weight you start the Plan with — but don't really know what it is. Practically speaking, if you joined at 200 pounds, your 10-percent goal would be 20 pounds. It's noted in your Weight Tracker.

No one gives you a time frame in which to achieve your 10-percent goal. You don't even need to hit the goal if you don't want to. Instead, it's meant to represent a manageable minigoal that can take the pressure off starting the weight-loss program, especially if you have a great deal of weight to lose. It's not a prerequisite to becoming a Lifetime Member; in fact, you only need to lose 5 pounds to do that.

When Weight Watchers added the 10-percent target in January of 2000, it was called "The 10-percent difference." According to Stephanie Schoemer, MS, RD, corporate program development manager for Weight Watchers, the program change was introduced because research showed that losing just 10 percent of one's body weight "translates to significant health benefits."

She's referring to changes such as lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It also seems to increase life expectancy and decreased lifetime medical care costs by $2,200 to $5,300. A 10- to 15-percent weight loss could even lower the risk of premature illness and death.

Health benefits aside, the emotional and motivational effects of small amounts of weight loss are exceptional. "Losing 10 percent extends beyond these [health] benefits to include increased feelings of vigor, vitality and increased motivation. Success breeds success, and setting achievable goals is a key component of sustainable weight loss," Schoemer adds.

Don't underestimate the impact of losing 10 percent. Take a look at the chart below to see the equivalent weight of everyday objects to your 10-percent weight loss. Then imagine carrying the object with you each day, all day long. Think how great you'll feel when you put that burden down and literally lighten up.

Pounds to Lose Everyday Object
15 pounds Larger than average house cat
18 pounds 24-can case of soda
20 pounds 2-year-old child
23 pounds Average cocker spaniel
25 pounds Extra-large bag of dog food


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