The Power of Portion Sizes

How to arm yourself against the supersize supervillains.
The Power of Portion Sizes

Batman has the Joker, Superman has Lex Luthor, and you, well you have Dr. Supersize. He's a no-good-doer who lurks around every corner trying to get you to "supersize" your food orders, and eat 2-3 times a normal portion size at restaurants. And while defeating Dr. Supersize may not be easy, defending yourself from overeating is vital to your weight-loss efforts.

The power of portion sizes
The plain truth is that Dr. Supersize often wins because it's not always easy, convenient or even possible to measure and weigh the foods you're eating. It's not as if you can bring a scale into a restaurant! But even you can judge a proper portion size with just the flash of your hand, and, yes, even your naked eye.

You might have heard that some people can judge a proper portion size without using any tools at all. And so can you! The first way is with your hand. The size of your fist is approximately equivalent to a one-cup serving. You can use this method for foods such as pasta and rice. The size of your thumb from base to tip is approximately equivalent to an ounce of meat or fish. And the size of your palm is approximately equal to 3 ounces. And if you're grabbing for a handful of pretzels or nuts, a small handful is equal to about an ounce.

If you really want to play the part of superhero, you can teach yourself to judge proper portion sizes using the "eyeball" method. This takes a little more practice at home. Whenever you pour a bowl of cereal or grab a handful of pretzels, first guesstimate how many ounces you've taken, then test your portion know-how with the scale. Eventually you'll be a portion size pro, able to hide your secret "dieting" identity among the most observant friends and co-workers the next time you're dining out.

Cheat Sheets

If you’re looking for some meal inspiration, our cheat sheets can help you figure out the best portion and PointsPlus friendly option for all sorts of foods – from Mexican to Pizza to Chinese, we’ve got you covered.

Portion Sizes at home
Portion Sizes at Home

The best place to learn correct portion sizes is at home.

Salt and pepper shakers on table
Dining out on Plan

Arm yourself with these smart tips, and you can follow the Plan at any restaurant.


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