Don't Miss a Thing

It's good to think about your weight-loss destination — but don't forget to enjoy the ride too!
Don’t Miss a Thing

Imagine you're on a train trip through Europe, taking in all the beautiful, unfamiliar scenery. You're probably not too concerned with getting to your final destination, since the journey is what this trip is all about. Do you take the same attitude when it comes to the journey through weight loss?

Enjoy each moment

You've probably heard your Leader or other meetings members discussing how slow and steady weight loss is the best way to drop pounds for the long term. In other words, weight loss is more like a slow train ride than a quick airplane flight. It can be pretty tempting to constantly look ahead to your destination (weight loss), but with this approach you're missing out on all the beautiful scenery along the way.

You might ask: "What scenery could I possibly find enjoyable on my weight-loss journey?" Well, it's not rolling hills and shining streams per se, but there are some stops that you won't want to miss. Maybe each five-pound loss can be a mini-stop that you can enjoy and take in. Your 10% goal is a pretty exciting junction. The day that your friends, co-workers or family members notice your weight loss is certainly something to revel in. Or maybe what you want to really savor is the day that you passed up seconds of your favorite meal because you were satisfied with your first helping.

Part of the weight-loss journey is living in the moment. If you woke up tomorrow suddenly minus 20 pounds, you might be happy at first, but how much would you really appreciate the weight loss when you achieved it with no effort on your part? You might be glad that those 20 pounds were gone, but you could easily be tempted to overindulge and gain them all back since it was no sweat to lose them. On the flip side, if you lost those 20 pounds over four months, really pushing yourself to succeed, then those 20 pounds dropped seem more enjoyable. Since you were along to see the whole journey develop right before your eyes — the ups and downs — you're much more likely to keep the weight off for good.

So take a seat and enjoy each second of your weight-loss journey. Enjoy the success and the compliments. Know that someday you will reach your destination, but for the time being, just enjoy the ride!

Make It to a Meeting
Did you know that people who lose weight with the support of a group have better success than those who go it alone? So get the support you need this week! Visit the Meeting Finder to check times and locations.
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Fitting In the Food You Love

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Stopping Self -Sabotage

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