The Best 20-Minute Workout


When you need to squeeze in a quick workout or break out of a rut, consider circuit training. It gives you an efficient, calorie-burning, heart-pounding and muscle-strengthening workout in half the time..

Circuit training is effective because of the quick-hitting pace in which the exercises are done. Instead of completing an exercise and then resting for a minute, in circuit training you begin the next set immediately. You continue to go rapid-fire, until you’ve completed the entire circuit. You can then rest for 90 seconds, and repeat the circuit.

Even if you’re performing weight lifting moves in the circuit (starting with lighter weights than usual, given how tough it is to keep moving without rest), you’ll get a cardiovascular workout. The result: Not only will you burn fat and build muscle, but you’ll do it in about half the time.

The following 20-minute circuit workout can be done 2 to 3 times per week. After a brief, total-body warm-up, do all of the exercises in order for 12-15 repetitions per set, moving quickly to the next exercise. Once you’ve completed all six exercises, rest 60 to 90 seconds, and begin the second and final circuit.

As you become fitter, work up to doing three full circuits, and increase the intensity by foregoing the rest period between circuits and doing 2 to 3 minutes of moderate cardio exercise (such as riding a stationary bike or jogging briskly in place) instead.

Before you begin, warm up by jogging in place for a minute, then stretch (seated with knees slightly bent) by leaning forward to touch your toes, or by bending and straightening your knees several times. Stretch for a few minutes after your workout, too.

Exercise 1:

Dumbbell Lunges

Stand with feet together, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Slowly and carefully, step forward into a wide lunge position, keeping the knee of your front leg centered over top of your ankle. Inhale while dropping your rear knee down to the ground, then exhale as you push back up from the heel of the front foot and straighten your back leg to return to the starting position.
Repetitions Sets Rest Between Sets
12 to 15 2 (as part of circuit) none
  • Exercise 1

Exercise 2:

Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with knees and waist slightly bent so that you are leaning forward. Exhale while pulling your arms up and back to squeeze the back muscles; keep elbows and dumbbells close to your body. Keep your back straight and chest out throughout the movement. Inhale as you return your arms to the starting position.
Repetitions Sets Rest Between Sets
12 to 15 2 (as part of circuit) none
  • Exercise 2

Exercise 3:

Stability Ball Squats

Carefully balance yourself on one leg and place the other on the stability ball behind you. Inhale while bending your front leg and allowing your back leg to drop, rolling forward with the stability ball. Exhale as you straighten your leg and return to the starting position.
Repetitions Sets Rest Between Sets
12 to 15 2 (as part of circuit) none
  • Exercise 3

Exercise 4:

Reverse Flys with Dumbbells

Stand with your knees and back slightly bent so that you are leaning forward, but keep your back straight and head up. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Exhale while lifting the dumbbells up and out to the side, squeezing your back muscles. Inhale while lowering your arms back to the starting position.
Repetitions Sets Rest Between Sets
12 to 15 2 (as part of circuit) none
  • Exercise 4

Exercise 5:

Reverse Crunches

Lie back on a mat with your hands under your lower back and your legs straight up in the air. Exhale while raising your rear end 2 to 3 inches off the floor, then slowly lower it back to the mat as you inhale.
Repetitions Sets Rest Between Sets
12 to 15 2 (as part of circuit) none
  • Exercise 5

Exercise 6:

Stability Ball Chest Presses

Lie back on a stability ball so that it is positioned under your upper back; keep legs in a wide stance to provide stability. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at chest level. (Not sure what weight to use? Read our tips for choosing the right weight for you.) Press the dumbbells straight up over your chest, exhaling as you go. Inhale as you slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
Repetitions Sets Rest Between Sets
12 to 15 2 (as part of circuit) none
  • Exercise 6

Before you start

  1. Talk with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Do not exercise if you have physical problems that might influence your ability to become more active. Stop exercising and call your doctor if you feel dizzy, nauseated, short of breath, or if you feel pain in your chest. If you are more than 40 pounds overweight, you should not work out at a high intensity level without professional supervision. Read our comprehensive safety tip

About the Writer

Mike Mejia is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and the exercise advisor for Men's Health magazine.


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